About rats: There are two types of rats the brown rat - Rattus norvegicus and the black rat - Rattus rattus. The brown rat is the more common one which is found in residential and commercial areas whereas the black rat is found more likely around shipyards and areas of high volume of water. Brown rats are often found in sewers and can enter properties via faulty drains as well as ingress points in and around buildings.
Damage they cause: Rats teeth are called incisors that grow at a very fast rate, so much so that they need to consistently chew to ensure that their teeth remain at a suitable length. Therefore, they will chew on virtually anything especially if there is something that they want such as a food source or harbourage. Another concern with rats is that they can carry Weil’s disease (Leptospirosis) which is passed through their urine and can make the public very unwell.
Treatment: General methods of treatments for rats is using snap traps and rodenticide. However, treatment times can vary due to rats suffering from neophobia (fear of new objects). It can take several weeks for a rat to acknowledge a trap or bait box. Therefore, it is important that once a treatment has started that the equipment used is not tampered with as this will only slow down the process. Once the treatment has been completed, we can then investigate carrying out proofing measures to prevent future infestation.
About Mice: Mice - Mus musculus can enter properties via gaps as small as the width of 3mm (size of a biro pen). Common places they are found are underneath kitchen worktops and in loft spaces accessing through the cavities in the walls.
Damage they cause: Mice have been known to chew through cables and household items so it’s important to eradicate an infestation as quickly as possible to prevent any further damage. It is also important that a treatment is carried out quickly to prevent any diseases from being transferred throughout the property.
Treatment: Treatment involves traps and rodenticides, with a strong emphasis on sealing entry points to prevent access into the property. Treatment time can vary; however, they are usually faster to treat than rats as they are not as wary of traps and bait.
About Wasps: A common wasp - Vespula vulgaris nest can be found practically anywhere but most commonly they are found in and around buildings in places such as loft spaces as an example. You will normally find that they have discovered an entry into a space such as an air brick or anywhere that has an ingress point into a building. Interestingly they can also build a nest in the ground.
Damage they cause: Wasps can be a nuisance, especially in summer. They can be quite aggressive if disturbed and may sting. It is recommended to be treated quickly once discovered.
Treatment: The treatment for wasps is carried out using an insecticide powder and needs to be done professionally to ensure the nest is treated effectively.
About Bed Bugs: We’ve all heard the term ‘sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite’ but in reality, this is far from a laughing matter. The common bed bug - Cimex lectularius can be extremely distressing for anyone experiencing this problem. They can survive without a host between 3 to 5 months but have been known to last up to a year without consuming a blood meal. They are predominantly found in bedrooms as they are attracted to body warmth and Carbon Dioxide from our breathing when sleeping, they will then seek to feed on human blood. They are also known to bite pets such as dogs and cats but have a preference for human blood. Bed bugs are small flat and reddish-brown in colour and grow up to 4-5mm in length. They are nocturnal ectoparasites, meaning they’re active at night and live outside of their hosts.
Damage they cause: The damage they cause is firstly to yourself through bites. You will notice small black droppings over your furniture, and they can also be found in areas such as behind your wallpaper and in between wall floor junctions.
Treatment: They are extremely resilient to home remedies and therefore require specialist treatments to effectively resolve the infestation through spray, steam and heat treatments.
About Silverfish: Even though silverfish – Lepisma saccharina do not prove a risk to the public, they can be unsightly and make you feel uncomfortable. The silverfish is a nocturnal insect typically 13–25 mm long. Its abdomen tapers at the end, giving it a fish-like appearance. They prefer moist, humid environments such as bathrooms and boiler rooms. They are general feeders and to list a few items they eat: cardboard, paper, dead insects.
Damage they cause: Silverfish are harmless but can damage paper, books and textiles.
Treatment: Spray treatments can be carried out to reduce any further silverfish activity as well as silverfish traps. However, it is recommended to try and reduce humidity in the problem areas.
About Cockroaches: Cockroaches can be found in buildings particularly in areas with a heat element such as behind dishwashers or coffee machines and even boiler houses. There are several different types of cockroaches in the UK, the most common types are German, Oriental and Brown-banded all with their own distinct features. However, the one thing they all have in common is that they prefer humid and dark undisturbed environments.
Damage they cause: Not only are they unsightly but they can devastate the reputation of businesses which could potentially cause a financial impact. They can also carry and pass on salmonella poisoning.
Treatment: The main way to treat a cockroach infestation is to carry out a residual spray treatment or to apply a gel formulation to areas where a spray treatment would not be recommended. Alternatively, cockroach traps can be installed so that continued monitoring can be carried out. We recommend a deep clean of the infected area to ensure all cockroach eggs (ootheca) are removed.
About Ants: There are many different species of ants but the most common is the garden ant – Lasius niger. They are likely to be found in your home seeking a food source. Nests are found under paving stones, in soil and between brickwork. Prevention would be to maintain cleanliness and removing food sources.
Damage they cause: Visually distressing and can contaminate food stock.
Treatment: There are several types of treatment options that are available, the main being a spray treatment however, other effective methods are using gel bait and dusting powder.
About Fleas: Fleas - Siphonaptera are found in people’s homes and are likely brought in by pets. If you’ve ever experienced fleas, you’ll know just how difficult they can be to eradicate. Fleas can live for several months without a blood meal on the host. They will feed on human blood but have a preference for animals’ blood as they are able to hide in the fur. Fleas can reside in various parts of your home and furniture, particularly in soft or fabric surfaces that provide shelter for hiding and laying their eggs. They can infest sofas, chairs, and mattresses, as well as hiding in crevices of wooden furniture.
Damage they cause: Bites to human skin and visually distressing.
Treatment: If you have any pets, be sure to have them treated appropriately. A residual spray treatment is required to be treated to all rooms of the property as fleas live on a life cycle of ELPA (egg, larvae, pupae, adult) meaning several spray treatments will be required to ensure all stages of the flea life cycle are treated.
About Moles: We’ve all heard the saying ‘don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill’, however these little mammals can cause a lot of damage to your beloved garden. The mounds are unmistakeable to identify. Moles – Talpa europaea often spend most of their life alone and for the most part do not cause any issues among the public. A mole can dig up to 20 metres of tunnel in a day using its spade-like forepaws to effectively breaststroke its way through the soil. Every now and again, loose soil is pushed up to the surface, resulting in what we see as a mole hill. It’s these mole hills that unfortunately cause damage to properties such as golf courses therefore require professional treatment.
Damage they cause: Mounds to gardens and public areas.
Treatment: Mole trapping - this is a specialised qualification as mole trapping is a skill. Moles are a lot more complex than what people think and work on atmospheric pressure therefore trapping is a challenging task.
About Flies: There are many different species of flies but to name a few the most common type of fly you’ll encounter is blue bottle, house fly and cluster flies. Blue bottle flies are normally found around areas such as dead carcass’, bins and food waste as well as excrement. House flies are major carriers of disease and can infest all types of premises. They are attracted to all types of food, including human food, pet food, animal feed, food waste and even faeces. Cluster flies, however, are usually found in spaces such as lofts and above ceiling voids but can also be found in any undisturbed room. You’re more likely to encounter cluster flies in the colder seasons when they seek warmer environments. They can enter your property via electrical inlets, gaps in and around air vents as well as pipework.
Damage they cause: Visually distressing, nuisance and a health risk.
Treatment: Fogging treatments are recommended for fly infestations and important to maintain good hygiene measures.
About Moths: Certain moth species can damage textiles and stored products. The clothes moth and Indian mill moth are common pests. Theres a common misconception that it’s the moth that causes the damage but it’s in fact the larvae. They live on a life cycle of ELPA (egg, larvae, pupae, adult). It’s important to recognise the stages of the life cycle to be able to carry out the correct and most effective treatment.
Damage they cause: The common clothes moth larvae damages products containing keratin such as clothing and carpets whereas the Indian mill moth will damage dried stored products such as flour and grain. It is therefore recommended that any food that has been contaminated is disposed of immediately.
Treatment: For the common clothes moth the treatments recommended are a residual spray that should be carried out over several weeks, this is so that each stage of the life cycle is treated. Moth lure traps can also be installed to reduce moth activity. Additionally, an aerosol treatment can be carried out to quickly lower moth activity. For the Indian mill moth we recommend that all products that have been contaminated are disposed of immediately and a deep clean is carried out to remove all larvae and moths.
About Squirrels: Grey squirrels – Sciurus carolinensis are the most common squirrel amongst us. They are most active before sunrise especially in winter with their peak activity being 4-5 hours before daybreak. Grey squirrels often associate humans with food meaning they sometimes approach people. Theres a good chance you may have not seen a red squirrel because they are rare, and a protected species therefore cannot be harmed.
Damage they cause: They can cause damage to trees such as beech, oak and chestnut. They strip bark at the base of trees which causes them to weaken and eventually die. According to the European Squirrel Initiative (ESI) grey squirrels cause £40m worth of damage to British forestry industry per year. If you’ve ever had squirrels in your loft, you’ll know how loud and damaging they can be, therefore, it is important to get them removed from your property as soon as possible as they are known to chew cables and wreak havoc in your loft space.
Treatment: The most effective way of treating squirrels is using traps, however, if there is a suspected red squirrel population nearby then live traps must be used to ensure that no red squirrels are harmed.
As you can see from the list of pests I treat, these are the most common, however there are many other pests out there that would require specialist treatment such as Ladybirds, Spiders, Beetles, Woodlice etc. If you are experiencing a pest issue no matter how big or small, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Once I have completed the pest control treatment it may be effective and beneficial for ingress points to be sealed up as a preventative measure.This is a service I can provide you should you wish for it to be implemented.